juicy · clean · milk chocolate
La Pastora is a beautiful central American coffee from Costa Rica. It's clean with a smooth mouth feel, sweet with pleasant, stonefruit like acidity yet it's balanced with notes of cocoa. If you're getting this coffee for pourover, we highly recommend light roast which focuses on the delightful succulent nature of this coffee; if you're getting this coffee for espresso or if you plan to enjoy this coffee with condiment, we recommend medium roast which brings forward notes of molasses and creates a more comforting texture.
Region: Los Santos, Tarrazu
Grower: CoopeTarrazú
Varietal: Caturra, Catuai
Process: Fully washed and drum dried
Altitude: 1200~1800 masl
This coffee is available in light roast or medium roast which are our over-simplified terms to describe two different roast profiles we offer with this coffee.
There isn't a significant color difference to these two options. However, we approach our light roast with an emphasis on the fruitiness whereas our medium roast were developed over lower heat initially. As a result, our light roast shows more acidity and clarity. Our medium roast are generally more balanced and more suited for espresso and coldbrew.
